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For those who achieve total fitness as their goal, it may not be surprising to learn that success often depends not on the body’s ability but on the strength of the mind. Pursuing a healthier lifestyle requires more than just lifting and lowering weights or carefully preparing meals. Indeed, the mental obstacles are more challenging for many than those encountered on the trail. Of course, for those who need mental stimulation, the balance between physical, cognitive, and emotional states can seem like a zero-sum game—without it, there can be none; with each, all are strengthened.

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This apparent paradox causes many people to suffer from some form of stunting. What is more important: training to strengthen the mind or the mental strength to go to the gym? Rather than getting into the chicken/egg debate about a healthier lifestyle, you can do a few things to improve your mental health and your fitness and use it to your advantage.


Before you make grand plans to run a half marathon in two weeks or get a complete body composition analysis, there are a few small things you can do first to make your new lifestyle more accessible. Starting small is the key to starting a positive cycle of mental and physical fitness.

  • Set achievable goals.  Sometimes, all it takes to get into the right mindset is “winning.” Seeing yourself accomplish something, no matter the size of the project or the level of ultimate success, can be a significant source of motivation. The problem, however, is that people tend to misinterpret the meaning of the word “achievable”; it’s a goal you can achieve right now using the resources at your disposal, not something theoretically achievable by anyone else. Can a person run a marathon in a month? Yes. Can you do it right now? Not yet! But achieve some other goals first, and eventually, you’ll be able to do it.
  • Practice constructive feedback:  As you embark on your journey to total body wellness, you must know how you talk to yourself. Did you know the average person says about 1,000 words to themselves every minute? Our brains are constantly working! And if most of what they say is destructive, even small goals will become routine. Congratulating yourself on small wins will lead to bigger wins and important positive feedback in your mind. Even  Navy SEALs must practice positive self-talk if they want to have a chance of passing basic training.
  • Identify what’s scaring you:  We mentioned body composition testing earlier, a completely harmless process, but many people are afraid to go and talk to a professional. In truth, this type of examination is an essential part of creating positive change. Still, it takes courage at every step to make a total change. The best way to combat a problem is to see it fully and admit it exists. Just as it can be scary to know the truth about your BMI or weight written down on paper, it can be scary to identify what exactly is blocking us in our minds. The path to a healthier lifestyle is knowing what it’s based on.


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One of the most liberating things we can train ourselves to accept is that there is no added reward for enduring something alone; in fact, we are encouraged to bring along a partner who can offer knowledge and support. When we are trying to get in shape both physically and mentally, asking for help is one of the most potent and healthy things we can do.

  • Find a competent coach.  Finding a coach or mentor who can help you through the most challenging stages of your transformation is essential. At Total Health and Fitness, we have experienced personal trainers and nutritionists who can help you with everything from creating a sensible meal plan to overcoming your most challenging mental hurdles.
  • Consider a better learning environment.  When it comes to mental health, there is a direct link between people being forced to spend too much time in one place and depression. Especially since the COVID-19 pandemic, when many businesses have been able to adopt work-from-home policies, many people are eating, sleeping, working, and exercising from home. The benefits of convenience may not outweigh the benefits of exercise on emotional and mental health.
  • Find someone who will support you.  While this may be interpreted as looking for someone to compare yourself to, we don’t want to allow unhealthy comparisons that can undermine your motivation to continue cooking and exercising. We really want you to find someone who will positively motivate you. This could be someone who trains with you and pushes you beyond your perceived limitations or someone with the qualities you aspire to. Just remember that everyone is different, and that’s okay!


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Knowing that you have everything you need to succeed is powerful. Pre-workout anxiety can be replaced by excitement when you think you’ve invested in the proper clothing, workout gear, and a personal trainer. At Total Health and Fitness, we’ve refined our programs to give you the necessary tools. That means we perform a total body composition analysis at your first appointment, including the right workout gear and all the meal plans you could want.

The mind game is too important to ignore in the fight for overall health and fitness. Finding healthy ways to approach significant life changes will pay big financial and emotional dividends as you begin to shape your body. You can schedule a free consultation here for looking to get started today can

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